-- Captures the central drama of Coltrane's life which other books have failed to do.
-- Proven track record with former distributor: reached the top 1% of all Atrium's titles.
-- Great mystery story throughout with Coltrane's search for a mysterious sound.
-- A new type of jazz criticism which places readers within the context of music.
Spirit Catcher offers a new type of biography and jazz criticism, combining an exciting story with vivid metaphors. It begins in the late 1920s when Coltrane grew up in North Carolina and ends with his death in 1967. Spirit Catcher is structured in three major sections (which incidentally relate to the progress of Coltrane's life and his progress towards spiritual insight): Disciple, Prophet and Spirit. Learn what happened in the interim to make him an international jazz prophet.
"A terrific story! Most enlightening in facets of Coltrane's life even I didn't know about. I had to read the book twice because it was so fascinating. This book knocked me out!" -- Bob Thiele, Producer, Impulse Records (Coltrane's main record producer)
Soul Catcher takes you on a self-guided journey along a spiritual path forged from the realization of your own dreams and wishes, and the utilization of the wisdom of your own inner voice.
Hoquat must not let this awareness rise into his consciousness. He must know it while denying it. Too much terror could destroy innocence. The boy shuddered, a sudden, uncontrollable spasm. Katsuk squatted back on his heels, ...
When the waters rise, you and Dolly stay up here in the attic. This building is solid; it won't collapse. You'll be safe, I promise . . . ” The mirror faded to black before I finished. Slowly its reflection reverted to normal.
... you're walking along the outstretched arm of entrenched history, which is sometimes a tight wire and at others a slack. Don't pay any attention to the geography (not even to the open sewers that border the Afghan pavements), ...
The Gale Group, Inc. accepts no payment for listing; and inclusion in the publication of any organization, agency, institution, publication, service, or individual does not imply endorsement of the editors or publisher.
In May 1752 the Semarang VOC officers resolved to rent a house there for Png. Purbaya's widow, “because her residence elsewhere than here, we judge, would be very suspicious and give rise to many concerns. For not only is her entire ...
'It's supposed to capture lost souls.' Gwen leaned her shoulder against mine. We watched the pale orange sun rise over the dome, which glowed faintly as light crept up the sky. Morning: beginning locked tight with ending.
Your spirit and energy, your generosity, your friendship and love have made an amazing difference in my life. I will always feel blessed that our paths have crossed. Beware the soul catcher Who comes in a flash of.
Originally published in 1972 by G.P. Putnam's Sons.
Soul Catcher