The along-anticipated work on Perceptual Control Theory (PCT) by the originator of this system of ideas, written for the general public in nontechnical language. Back cover copy by Richard S. Marken, Senior Behavior Scientist, The RAND Corporation. "Some of the best science is done by people who refust to take the obvious for granted. Copernicuss didn't take the sun's daily trek across the sky for granted, Einstein didn't take the regular tick of time for granted, and William T. Powers didn't take the appearance of behavior for granted...A number of scientsts, impressed by the power and beauty of control theory as applied to behavior, have devoted their research efforts to testing and expanding Powers' ideas on living control systems. Obviously, I am one of them. I knew after reading Behavior: the Control of Perception (Powers, 1973) that Powers had something very important to say.
A lot of people think that this is a pretty good theory. But my object in this book is not to persuade you that the theory is right, either by itself or by comparison with other theories.
A Step-by-Step Tool for Understanding Children with NLD, Asperger's, HFA, PDD-NOS, and other Neurological Differences Leslie ... Motor · Sensory · Spatial orientation · Control/ consistency · Thinking about others thinking · Social ...
the first group with words such as reliable from the second group, we don't find a correlation. ... which Lewis Goldberg named the Big Five.7 Each of them has been given a reasonably descriptive name: Extraversion (E), Agreeableness (A) ...
Lawrence, P. R., and Lorsch, J. W. (1967). Organization and Environment: Managing Differentiation and Integration. Boston, MA: Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University. Leape, L., Brennan, T., Laird, N., Lawthers, ...
In this survey of research and theory about social cognition, Ziva Kunda reviews basic processes in social cognition, including the representation of social concepts, rules of inference, memory, hot cognition and automatic processing.
Case study Lee was a very able 14-year-old offending a mainstream school. He was deliberately withdrawn from some lessons to help keep his stress levels down and his classmates were actively encouraged to support him.
Renowned anthrozoologist Dr. John Bradshaw has made a career of studying human-animal interactions, and in Dog Sense he uses the latest scientific research to show how humans can live in harmony with--not just dominion over-- their four ...
This book will help you find out. Drawing on extensive research, renowned psychiatrist and neuroscientist Samuel Barondes gives you powerful tools for understanding what people are really like and how they got that way.
Making Sense of Your Senses is full of activities and skill-building exercises you can do with your child to help him or her balance sensory stimulation and practice self-calming techniques.
This book is for us all. May the information therein help you as it has been helping others well before the actual book was completed. Ron D. Kingsley