Abstractive, holistic, weird, counterintuitive, spooky, duality, AD HOC, virtual particles & complex; these are terms that are frequently used to describe modern physics. The complexity of modern physics precludes a layperson from having a good understanding of the various processes of nature. This has been the limiting factor for people to appreciate the full beauty of nature. To cut through the immense complexity of modern physics, Ken H. Seto invented the PYRAMID TECHNIQUES for doing physics. With the PYRAMID TECHNIQUES, he was able to formulate a realistic present state of the universe. MODEL MECHANICS was the result of this formulation process. According to MODEL MECHANICS, the S-Particle is the only truly fundamental particle in the universe & space is occupied by a substance called the E-MATRIX. The motions of the S-Particles in the E-MATRIX give rise to all the other particles & all the forces of nature. Also, MODEL MECHANICS gives a realistic description of the origin of the universe, a connection between physics & God, a connection between physics & life processes & a unified theory for all the forces of nature. A QUOTATION FROM TONI E. WEAVER, PH.D "Modern physics is like a card game in which most of the cards in the deck are wild. MODEL MECHANICS eliminates the need for this wild scheme of doing physics. It gives us a realistic view of the physical world without resorting to abstractions & fudge factors." Available from: KHS Publishing, P.O. Box 275, Englewood, OH 45322-0275. or Call 1-800-519-0149. Home page:- http:\\www.erinet.com\kenseto.
L'ampleur du succès qu'a rencontré le " Cours de physique de Feynman " dès sa parution s'explique par son caractère fondamentalement novateur.
To do so , a model of the proposed hull is placed in a test channel and three cables are used to keep its bow on the centerline of the channel . Dynamometer readings indicate that for a given speed , the tension is 40 lb in cable AB and ...
Each component in the "MEI Structured Mathematics" scheme is supported by a book, which covers the element of the corresponding component, adopts an approach consistent with the MEI philosophy and provides examples in real contexts to ...
La construcción de la ciencia moderna: mecanismos y mecánica
Ē sygkrotēsē tēs synchronēs epistēmēs: mēchanismoi kai mēchanikē
"University Physics is a three-volume collection that meets the scope and sequence requirements for two- and three-semester calculus-based physics courses.
Mekanik mesin: teori, contoh penyelesaian dan masalah
The book also contains over 200 challenging problems to help the student develop a strong understanding of the subject. Password-protected solutions are available for instructors at www.cambridge.org/9780521198219.
Experimental Mechanics of Solids and Structures
Mécanique MPSI