"If you're struggling with personality conflicts, constant miscommunications, someone else's stubbornness, or any of the other gremlins that can send a team (or player) into a tailspin, then this book is for you. From the very first page, Jones discusses sophisticated concepts and complex relationships with water-cooler simplicity that leaves a reader thinking, 'yeah, that's what I have to put up with every day.' Help! I'm Surrounded by Idiots tells you, in plain non-consultant speak English, where to start, what to do, and how to continue to create the kind of rapport with colleagues that makes companies great and careers stellar."--Back cover.
Easy-to-read and understand coverage of the concepts essential to assuming leadership and management roles Comprehensive, practical advice on how to develop and sustain a successful nursing career Historical perspectives on nursing today ...
本书指出了建立有效人际关系, 沟通及投入的方方面面, 告诉读者只有愿意学习策略, 认识到自己的领导风格, 将知识转换成生产力才能提高协作沟通能力和生产力.
This book provides a solid construct for processing information (identify, build, and drive) and a wealth of ideas for generating new responses (107 competencies).
Leading Through Meaning: A Philospophical Inquiry
"This 2-volume set within the SAGE Reference Series on Leadership tackles issues relevant to leadership in the realm of science and technology.
This book will help you: - Develop an aging physician policy that protects physicians and the organization - Train medical staff leaders on how to deal with a disruptive physician - Take the proper steps when physicians fail to correct ...
Kozlowski, S. W., Gully, S. M., McHugh, P. P., Salas, E., & Cannon-Bowers, J. A. (1996). A dynamic theory of leadership and team eectiveness: Developmental and task contingent leader roles. In G. R. Ferris (Ed.), Research in personnel ...
This case study highlights how we collected and analyzed qualitative and quantitative data (mixed methods) to learn more about the landscape of leadership centers and their role in leader development.
Leap of Reason is the product of decades of hard-won insights from philanthropist Mario Morino, McKinsey & Company, and top social-sector innovators.
In Axiom, Bill Hybels reveals eighty God-given, from-the-gut truths that continue to raise his game and his vision, thirty-plus years into his local-church leadership experience.