Life and Death Planning for Retirement Benefits: The Essential Handbook for Estate Planners
Join Alan Gassman as he explains wills, trusts, tax, and creditor protection in a logical, easy-to-understand order for estate planning professionals and their clients.
This book targets technical professionals (technical consultants, technical support staff, IT Architects, and IT Specialists) responsible for providing solutions and support on IBM POWER systems, including performance tuning.
Discover how to solve real-world system administration problems with this collection of end-to-end shell scripts This comprehensive book takes you step-by-step through the process of writing shell scripts to solve real-world Unix problems ...
This is a frank, compassionate book written to those who contemplate suicide as a way out of their situations.
In this volume acclaimed scholar-monk Bhikkhu Bodhi has collected and translated the Buddha’s teachings on conflict resolution, interpersonal and social problem-solving, and the forging of harmonious relationships.
Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma: The Philosophical Psychology of Buddhism
Afghanistane(tm)s de facto system of governance is a politically driven eoehybride order made up of shifting links among many different formal, informal, and illicit actors, networks, and institutions.
Tsai, M., Plummer, M.D., Kanter, J.W., Newring, R.W., & Kohlenberg, R.J. (2010). Therapist grief and functional analytic psychotherapy: Strategic self-disclosure of personal loss. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 40, ...
Life and Death Planning for Retirement Benefits by Natalie B. Choate , Esq .; published by Ataxplan Publications , 2019 , 8th edition , $ 99.95 plus shipping . To order , call 978-829-2553 or visit www .