An authoritative reference text developed on the clinical management of rheumatic diseases. For use by physicians, health professionals, and rheumatology training programs in medical and professional schools, the 375-page text was written by more than 60 experts in the fields of rheumatology, nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, pharmacy, and the behavioral sciences. Topics covered are clinical foundations, diagnosis and assessment, common diseases, clinical interventions, medications, problem management, and resources.
Ingram , S. , Nelson , D. , Porter , J. , Bennett , R. M. , et al .: An association of cold induced vasospasm and fibrositis . Arthritis Rheum . 30 : 513 , 1987 . 219. Hudson , J. I. , Pliner , L. F. , Hudson , M. S. , Goldenberg ...
This textbook on rheumatic diseases is brought to you by the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR), a pan-european organisation engaged in education, research and patient care for rheumatic diseases.
This edition offers state-of-the-art content on how to perform the musculoskeletal exam and arthrocentesis, what laboratory testing may prove useful, and which medications are appropriate, including dosages and recommended monitoring.
Rheumatic Diseases
Clinical Rheumatology
Revised edition of: Rheumatology secrets / Sterling G. West. Third edition. [2015].
The compendium on Rheumatic Diseases found its origin in the successful EULAR on-line course on rheumatic diseases. The yearly updated reviews of the fifty modules of that course form the content of this book.
EULAR Textbook on Rheumatic Diseases
The FOCUS Animated Pocket Dictionary of Rheumatology, the first ever animated dictionary in the subject, fills that void quite effectively.
Dictionary of the Rheumatic Diseases: Health Status Measurement