任教於美國洛杉磯華裔數學老師編撰, 美國Amazon、連鎖書店、學校……等暢銷好評! 簡單易學!適合SAT, ACT, NTE, CBEST, STAR and CAT, H.S Exit相關考試! Simple and Easy to Study and Review 1. It has 14,000 examples and exercises, from simple to complex. 2. It outlines the concepts, formulas, and theorems in algebra. 3. It facilitates the learning process in problem-solving. 4. It is good for SAT, ACT, NTE, CBEST, STAR and CAT, H.S Exit. ◎新增修「國際奧林匹克數學競賽」題目。 ◎海峽兩岸唯一全英文(雙語教育)高初中數學用書,價廉物美。 ◎相關好評請參閱Amazon網站100多篇讀者評鑑。 ◎台灣美國學校採用進口同類數學書每本台幣3,000元,本書價廉實用! 楊蓉昌 淡江大學管科所碩士班畢業。 中年移居美國,參加「加州數學教師資格」檢定,取得公立學校數學教師執照。任教美國洛杉磯期間,將教科書內容重點摘要,整理成簡單易學的筆記發給學生作為教材,深獲好評。爾後將教學筆記整理成書,於美國出版「A+筆記數學叢書」,包括代數、幾何、三角以及大學及研究所入學考試用書SAT、GRE、GMAT,前後在美國銷售約二十萬本。
A section on geometry appears in Chapter R for instructors who look for such content in Beginning Algebra. Applications that incorporate geometric concepts may also be found throughout the text.
There are certain mistakes that students frequently make while learning algebra. This workbook clearly explains these mistakes so students can avoid them.
Elementary Algebra
There are certain mistakes that students frequently make while learning algebra. This workbook clearly explains these mistakes so students can avoid them.
The text then examines exponents and polynomials, factoring, and rational expressions.
4-color hardback text w/complete text-specific instructor and student print/media supplement package AMATYC/NCTM Standards of Content and Pedagogy integrated in Exercise Sets, Sourced-Data Applications (students are also asked to generate...
The text presents all the topics associated with a first course in algebra, providing students with the foundation in the basic skills of algebraic manipulation and equation solving that they need to master in order to succeed in the next ...
Together, the two books give the reader a global view of algebra and its role in mathematics as a whole.
The utlimate goal of this text is to effectively prepare students to transition to Intermediate Algebra. One of the hallmark characteristics of Beginning Algebra 6ethat makes the text easy to learn from is the building-block organization.
The sixth edition of this popular paperback series gives the book a greater emphasis on the connections between equations, tables, and graphs and by incorporating pedagogy that addresses collaborative learning and terminology.