A new translation by Sergio E. Serrano of this inspirational book containing sound advice on the art of living by the French historian, biographer, and philosopher, Andr Maurois (1885 - 1967), who was one of the most celebrated and prolific French writers of the 20th century. Timeless wisdom and advice on the art of living for today's young and old: The art of thinking; the art of loving; the art of working: the art of leadership; the art of growing old. Maurois speaks to the soul of the reader. The principles he conveys remain as valid and as useful in the 21st century as they were in the 20th. According to Maurois, our lives are works of art, expressions of inner beauty, conceived and created by our inner selves, tested by the circumstances and experiences of life, perfected and modified by the learning and growth resulting from these experiences. Maurois accurately predicted: the ultimate failure of all social revolutions; the necessity of slow change in human customs and attitudes as a key to lasting changes; the technological development and implementation of robots in large assembly lines; the constant distraction with technology and its harmful effects to the mind, the emotions, and relationships; the characteristics of a reasonable and effective government; the inner virtues to cultivate in order to successfully overcome the adversities of life; the qualities to seek in order to maintain stable, loving, relationships; the attributes to encourage as an effective manager; the essentials by which to plan a long and enjoyable retirement; the principles behind an effective educational system. An Art of Living remained out of print for several decades. This new translation resurrects this little treasure of a book for the English readers of today; it remains faithful to the original French edition and to the style of the author.
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Author of Principles in Modern Dramatic Criticism. Contributor to Video Therapy in Mental Health.Praise for Soaring Beyond self"This is a must have for anyone born in the window of the 1930's - 1950's.
In Lessons at Blackberry Inn, life is seen through Carol's eyes, the eyes of a homemaker in the 1830s.
Akin to The Last Lecture in its revelatory perspective following life-altering events, "How Will You Measure Your Life?" presents a set of personal guidelines that have helped the author find meaning and happiness in his life.
In this groundbreaking book, Christensen puts forth a series of questions: How can I be sure that I'll find satisfaction in my career? How can I be sure that my personal relationships become enduring sources of happiness?
Traditional Chinese edition of How Will You Measure Your Life? by Clayton Christensen, Professor at Harvard Business School.
本书中戴尔·卡耐基以超人的智慧总结了女性为人处世应当具备的基本技巧;以严谨的思维分析了女性打造个人魅力,活得快乐的秘密所在 ...
本书汇集了大师卡内基的思想精华,深刻剖析了人性中的弱点,同时引用了许多名人及普通人的真实案例,讲述了他们如何通过学习书中的内容,以尊重,理解,真诚为基石 ...
Littérature jeunesse : première lecture
本书作者理查德-斯坦格尔与曼德拉有近二十年的深厚感情, 他将与曼德拉的无数次深入谈话, 浓缩成15堂最重要的生命课程, 这也对是曼德拉毕生智慧与领悟的精妙总结, ...