The Golden Age of TeleFantasy: A Comprehensive Guide to Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horro Television Series of the 1940's and...

Other Worlds
Alan Morton


In the early 1950s, television was in its infancy. In the U.S., outer space adventuress series such as Captain Video and Hi Video Rangers, Space Patrol and Tom Corbett Space Cadet entertained young baby boomers, while adults enjoyed series such as Tale of Tomorrow and Lights Out. In the United Kingdom, programmes like Quatermass Experiment set the standard for televisions science fiction for decades to come. Many of these programmes have been lost to the ages never to be seen again, while others such as Adventured of Superman and Science Fiction Theatre can easily be found on DVD. Here, in one volume, are all the available details on the and other science fiction, fantasy and horror programmes from the United States, United Kingdom and Canada. A total of 48 series and serials are covered with a series overview, cast and episode details with a synopsis, guest cast, date of broadcast, and writer and director credits. Illustrated with over 300 photographs, many that have not been seen in print for more than 60 years. This is an abridges book in that no programmes from the 1960s or later are in it. It is expanded in the there is a lot more information on many of the programmes than were in the first edition. There are also more than 300 pictures, the first book only had them on covers.