A majority of Americans have concluded, "Morals do not count. Let our leaders do as they please; just give us a booming economy!" God is about to crush this abominable American mindset. Soon the American dream will become the American nightmare. Yet through it all, those who know God can be assured of constant protection and provision from His hands.
You'll also discover: - Why our prayers may be hindered - How the early Church experienced God's miracles and how present day Christians can regain that power - Why we should continue to pray for America despite spiritual warfare and ...
Will conflicts, hostility, and incivility tear the country apart? Os Guinness argues that we face a fundamental crisis of freedom as once again America has become a house divided.
The works historical review demonstrates how the drift of modern history has pulled the United States away from its ties to the Christian faith. His a call to action invites the people of this nation to change the direction of their lives.
'"--David WilkersonIn these intriguing pages, you will discover...* The lessons we never learned from the Great Depression* Why Christians need not concern themselves with the Antichrist, Armageddon, or the mark of the beast* How to ...
Wilkinson calls us to take the most honest look at ourselves and our nation that we've every taken--for the sake of the church, our country, and the world.
n An AtteMPt to memorize poetry,” irving Fisher wrote in 1926, “Professor Vogt of the university of Christiania found that on days when he drank one and one-half to three glasses of beer it took him 18 per cent longer to learn the lines ...
A unique Bible prophecy and current last days events fulfilled in America.
David Wilkerson: A Final Warning
Beginning with the destruction of Jerusalem and continuing through the persecutions of Christians in the Roman Empire, the apostasy of the Dark Ages, the shining light of the Reformation, and the worldwide religious awakening of the ...
Racing Toward Judgement