Alan Ellis, J. Michael Henderson, Todd Bussert ... FCI Ray Brook Federal Correctional Institution 128 Ray Brook Road Ray Brook, NY 12977 518-897-4000 Fax: 518-897-4216 Location: In the Adirondack Mountain region of upstate New York, ...
Federal Sentencing Guidelines Handbook: Text and Analysis
This 2020-2021 Edition includes all amendments to the Guidelines through November 1, 2020. Also includes the sentencing table on the inside covers for quick reference.
This is Volume 4 of the American Society of Criminology’s Division on Corrections and Sentencing handbook series. Previous volumes focused on risk assessment, disparities in punishment, and the consequences of punishment decisions.
Crimes and Punishments: Entering the Mind of a Sentencing Judge provides a cross-section of different crimes for which Judge Frederic Block sentenced a convicted criminal.
Federal Sentencing Guidelines Manual, 2008: United States Sentencing Commission
This volume addresses major issues and research in corrections and sentencing with the goal of using previous research and findings as a platform for recommendations about future research, evaluation, and policy.
Alan Ellis' Federal Prison Guidebook
United States Sentencing Commission Guidelines Manual: Appendix B
This 2021-2022 Edition includes all amendments to the Guidelines through November 1, 2021. Also includes the sentencing table on the inside covers for quick reference.