A complete guide to Shabbat, from preparation to Havdalah, in 13 chapters. Each chapter starts with basics (all prayers translated and transliterated) and expands with "Getting Started" (insights for the beginner), "Parent-Child Corner," "From Tradition," as well as stories, discussion starters, and lots of art. Full color throughout.
80. Patricia Cohen , “ In Economics Departments , a Growing Will to Debate Fundamental Assumptions , " New York Times , July 11 , 2007 , p . A37 . 8 : Day of Reckoning 1 . Merle Haggard , “ Are the Good Times Really Over for Good ?
Her father, Henry Steele, was an investment banker who had built a small financial empire with nothing more than brains, determination, and self-reliance. At least that was his explanation. Their family had lived in the same house where ...
In this compassionate book, leading autism authority Dr. Peter Szatmari shows that children with autism spectrum disorders act the way they do because they think in vastly different ways than other people.
Faced with a possible loophole to her "Snow White" curse, Viv meets the prince who is supposed to save her, but cannot seem to let go of the young man cursed to be her huntsman.