LESSER AND GREATER YELLOWLEGS Tringa melanoleuca and flavipes 8 34 ” & 11 ” These are two shorebird species that have distinctive bright yellow legs : the greater and lesser yellowlegs . Their shapes , colors , and habitats are so ...
This edition keeps the useful chapters on beginning bird watching , bird study , bird finding , bird conservation , attracting and feeding birds , care and rehabilitation of sick , injured , or orphaned birds , and human / bird ...
This 12 panel waterproof guide folds to fit a backpack or pocket. Beautiful photography accompanies text that describes the birds of Northern Florida, their habitats, diets and other attributes. Laminated and waterproof.
There’s no need to look through dozens of photos of birds that don’t live in your area. This book features 146 species of Florida birds organized by color for ease of use. Do you see a yellow bird and don’t know what it is?
You steer nearly west from the buoys off the mouth of Station Creek to Bobee's Island at the mouth of Skull Creek. There is an oyster rock in the middle of Skull Creek where it makes its first bend to the southeast, and this is the only ...
Philadelphia was an ideal “home away from home” and eventually became the Birds' permanent base and home to their ... as singing waiters at a downtown hotel, a common attraction in Jacksonville and many southern hotels at the time.