Practical Spirituality shows you how to use your spiritual power in the quest for tangible results. James Arthur Ray combines the potent ingredients of material goals and mysticism, demonstrating how you need both to get the most out of life. Practical Spirituality makes applying ancient wisdom and the latest discoveries about how our world works - in the realm of physics and beyond - something you can do today. You get: Actionable, clear principles to achieve tangible success without sacrificing spirituality, and vice versa. You get straight talk to put you on the true path of power, so you can avoid the mistakes most people make. And you'll learn several ways to break out of the mass hypnosis of our time and become completely free from cultural conditioning. This is a must-read and must-do for anyone who is truly committed to becoming his or her own person in world where most people just follow along. It's time to wake up with Practical Spirituality!
Illustrative exercises, sample stories, and role-playing activities offer the opportunity for self-evaluation and discovery.
The Art of Practical Spirituality is modern medicine for the eternal soul.” —Dannion Brinkley, New York Times bestselling author of Saved by the Light This commonsense guide offers practical steps for staying in tune with Spirit midst ...
Radical Optimism describes the value of meditation, leisure, relaxing the body, and keeping silent for a period of time -- all within the context of the ordinary demands of life.
Most Pagans describe our many paths as “earth-focused” spirituality and agree that Paganism implies a love for the earth. But how can we claim to love or even understand the earth's rhythms if we never touch the earth?
The answer is in the first line of Jill Jackson-Miller's song—“Let There Be Peace on Earth and Let It Begin with Me.” It all begins with individual you and me. Every thought we think, every feeling we have, every word we speak goes out ...
THE FIVE PRINCIPLES was written to provide tools for daily living and suggests answers to the great questions of existnece that humans have been asking since the dawn of conscious awareness.
In this volume, Morrissey collects brief, powerful essays from today’s most popular New Thought clergy. Each piece addresses issues you can use right now to improve your life.
In his subsequent essay, “Practical Spirituality and Human Development: Circles of Gender Liberation and the Calling of Lokasamgraha,” Giri argues how practical spirituality needs to cultivate new circles and movements of gender ...
In this fascinating book, spiritual teacher Sonia Choquette reveals the secrets you need to awaken your intuitive voice and ... trust your vibes.
Practical Spirituality