... Get Cancer by Dr. I. William Lane Prescription for Nutritional Healing by James F. Balch , M.D. Phyllis A. Balch , C.N.C. What Are Clinical Trials All About ? U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Eating Hints for Cancer ...
Breathing to Live. Supplement
La vie tient à un souffle. Supplément
(Reproduced, with permission, from Fletcher and Peto, 1977) In 'at-risk' smokers the rate of decline may be double that, at about 50–60ml a year – and some smokers decline even faster than this. Why some smokers are at risk of this ...
本书是养肺护肺的实用说明书.全书从认识肺开始,分别从中西医的角度说明了肺的特点和功能,从五脏和谐才能延年益寿的角度说明了中医理论中肺与其他脏腑的密切关系,并告诉读者 ...
Pulmonary Medicine: Case Studies a Compilation of 50 Clinical Studies
Pulmonary Pathology--tumors
Neoplasms of the Lung: Based on the Proceedings of the 57th Annual Anatomic Pathology Slide Seminar of the American Society...
A Guide for Patients and Their Families Barbara G. Cox, David T. Carr, Robert E. Lee.
Living with Lung Cancer: A Guide for Patients and Their Families