All of the forms and checklists are also reproduced on a CD-ROM included with the book so you can easily access and use them when needed."--BOOK JACKET.
Playing it Safe: A Guide to Risk Management for Sport and Recreation Organisations
Risk Management Resource for Recreation & Sport Organisations
The book is helpful to all those managing a sports or recreation program as part of a larger scope of activities or as their sole responsibility in a nonprofit.
Enterprise Risk Management for Sport & Recreation Organisations in New Zealand
Neste livro, o autor descortina a responsabilidade civil incidente, apresentando críticas e soluções, quer no despreparo dos personal trainers que nem sequer possuem profissão regulamentada, quer na inexistência de profissionais...
Responsabilidade civil das academias de ginástica por atos do personal trainer
Managing Risk in Sport and Recreation: The Essential Guide for Loss Prevention provides all the tools you need in order to design a comprehensive risk management plan that fits the needs of your organization.
Sport and the Law