Building on relevant elements of HIV guidelines, tools and evidence identified by experts, ... The challenge now is applying that knowledge to reach people most vulnerable to and impacted by the disease via targeted prevention services ...
Resources in Education
Wallace, R., Fullilove, M.T., Fullilove, R., Gould, P., and Wallace, D. (1994) 'Will AIDS be contained within the U.S. minority ... Weeks, J. (1977) Coming Out: Homosexual Politics in Britain from the Nineteenth Century to the Present, ...
Shared water is not only expected to increase competition and conflict, it can also contribute to building ... The battle against communicable diseases like HIV/AIDS demands innovative, multisectoral, and interdisciplinary responses.
... by introducing concepts that bridge fields in an interdisciplinary manner. The bridging of seemingly disparate fields may allow for new perspectives and potentialities, yet such work is not accomplished without some challenges.
McCloughen, A., O'Brien, L., & Jackson, D. (2010). More than vision: Imagination as an elemental characteristic of being a nurse leader-mentor. Advances in Nursing Science, 33, 285–296. McGlynn, E. A., Asch, S. M., Adams, J., Keesey, ...
Abubakar points out in Chapter 2 that “many studies on the impact of HIV infection on children have focused on the ... heads together to educate one another and build truly interdisciplinary programs of applied research and development.
... 622–623 building the response to the epidemic, 135–140 care and treatment in, 144–145, 638–640 challenge of equity ... 89, 90 as a success story, 700 Brazilian Interdisciplinary AIDS Association (ABIA), 138, 139,637 Breastfeeding, ...
Keeping these questions before them, Rausch and five other contributors to this volume provide wisdom, insight, and concrete examples of how Catholic higher education can indeed foster faith that leads to a more just world.
At the University of Namibia, Scholastika Iipinge, a wonderful friend and colleague, worked with Richard Lee and I to ... Sam Byrd, Risa Cromer, Kaja Tretjak, Elan Abrell, and Lynne Desilva-Johnson energetically helped complete the ...