A uniquely creative compilation of activities to help bereaved children express feelings of grief, diffuse traumatic reminders, address self-blame, commemorate the deceased, and learn coping strategies. Includes special activities for children dealing with the suicide or murder of a loved one. It covers a theoretical overview for practitioners, tips for caregivers and schools, and a ten-week curriculum for use in therapy or support groups. A must-have for grief counsellors, group facilitators, and school personnel.
Childhood Bereavement Network (2004) It Will be Ok. London: National Children's Bureau. ... Ribbens McCarthy, J. (2006) Young People's Experiences of Loss and Bereavement: Towards an Interdisciplinary Approach.
This best-selling collection is filled with creative assessment and treatment interventions to help clients identify feelings, learn coping strategies, enhance social skills, and elevate self-esteem.
An innovative collection of therapeutic games, art techniques, and stories to help children of divorce express feelings, deal with loyalty binds, disengage from parental conflict, address anger and self-blame, and learn coping strategies.
This bereavement book contains simple, effective activities to help children and parents communicate about death and the grieving process. Through these activities, children will learn how to grow and thrive after the loss of a loved one.
"Activities suitable for support groups with grieving children, preteens and teens"--Cover.
"Children vary in their response to the death of a loved one. Some children develop relatively few symptoms or problems, while others face significant or prolonged symptoms, such as posttraumatic...
Provides information on a variety of counseling and therapy approaches for children who have experience loss, including death in the family, school, and community.
Unfortunately, she got pain in her stomach not long after. ... Shefound it hard to talk about her mother, but she liked to draw, paint and make things about what had happened to her, about her memories and about herfeelings.
All interventions in the book have been developed and researched with clinicians who faced challenging environments, including devastating natural disasters, and in communities where ongoing violence victimized children directly.
The scope of this book covers the many possible approaches to working with bereaved children. The contributors draw on their wide-ranging experience of working with bereaved children in a many...