An innovative collection of therapeutic games, art techniques, and stories to help children of divorce express feelings, deal with loyalty binds, disengage from parental conflict, address anger and self-blame, and learn coping strategies. Includes a theoretical overview for practitioners, a sample treatment plan, and a reproducible handout to give parents. Also contains a ten-week curriculum that can be used in therapy or support groups. A much needed resource for counselors, therapists, and group facilitators.
Ages 4 to 8 years. This book is part of the Cory Series to help children cope with challenging issues. This version presents engaging activities to help very young clients cope with divorce.
This best-selling collection is filled with creative assessment and treatment interventions to help clients identify feelings, learn coping strategies, enhance social skills, and elevate self-esteem.
This book is a "how to" manual for working with families in separation and divorce using an active, directive therapeutic process called Family Restructuring Therapy.
"This volume provides a wonderful treasure-chest of appealing and practical aids to assist mental health practitioners in counseling bereaved school-age children.
A complete group counseling program in 12 sessions for helping elementary children in homes affected by divorce. It offers sessions on such topics as Why Parents Marry and Divorce, Feeling...
Practitioners from divergent theoretical orientations, work settings, or client specialisations will find a plethora of stimulating and useable clinical interventions in this book.
MORE creative interventions to engage children, youth, and families in counselling and help them address issues such as feelings identification, anger management, social skills, and self-esteem.
... receiving the highest average payments — white women with postdivorce incomes above the median — the combination of alimony and child support accounts for only 20 % of their average postdivorce income ( Duncan & Hoffman , 1985 ) .
The chapters in this innovative volume cite existing research on specific grief and loss issues and illustrate a clinical application for each situation using various creative mediums such as music, writing, or ritual.
In this comprehensive resource, Liana Lowenstein has compiled an impressive collection of techniques from experienced practitioners. Interventions are outlined for engaging, assessing, and treating children of all ages and their families.