Ages 4 to 8 years. This book is part of the Cory Series to help children cope with challenging issues. This version presents engaging activities to help very young clients cope with divorce. Cory, the central character in the story, helps children gradually confront and process their feelings and reactions related to the divorce. Therapeutic games, art, and other playful activities are incorporated to lower the threat level of therapy and engage children in treatment. Questions and re-enforcers are woven throughout the story to captivate and sustain the childs interest in the story, and to evaluate and encourage the childs integration of the material. Includes a reproducible story, activities, and detailed parent handouts.
Butterworth, Oliver. A Visit to the Big House. Hartford, Families in Crisis, Inc. and Junior League of Hartford with the Connecticut State Department of Corrections, 1987. Children Are People Support Group Starter Kit St. Paul, ...
Putting Child Psychotherapy on the Map: A Guide to Commissioning for Health and Local Authorities
Brooks ' aphorism that " A story is made out of events to the extent that plot makes events into a story " ( 1984 , p . 3 ) aptly describes plotting as the glue that establishes a story's coherence . Brooks describes “ narrative " as ...
不想活下去的孩子: 自殺心理分析及治療
本书通过简明的文字陈述,以及许多安全的解说 ,让读者能够有机会通过阅读来领会焦点解决取向的咨询工作,加深对焦点治疗方式的了解.
Premio a la eficacia comunicativa la investigación de dichos psicólogos podrían deberse tanto al efecto Mozart como al ... (2009) en su libro llamado Los 50 grandes mitos de la psicología popular, según el artículo ya mencionado de ABC.
Drinking and Drugs in My Family: A Child's Workbook about Substance Abuse in the Family
Recogiendo años de experiencia clínica y académica en la formación de psicólogos, las autoras lograron crear una guía práctica, vivencial y experiencial del trabajo psicoterapéutico con niños.
Michael and Alice share stories from their work with children and their families, and the ideas behind this work - including detailed explanations of externalising practices, scaffolding conversations, and ways of inviting others to act as ...