In 1774 three Fawcett brothers, William, Robert and John (1744-1830) emigrated from Yorkshire, England and settled in New Bruswick, Canada. Their parents are believed to be Robert Fawcett and Alice Ayer of Hovingham, Yorkshire. Descendants and relatives lived mainly in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Manitoba, Michigan and Wisconsin. .
In the 1980s, Enamel merged with their crosstown rivals, Enterprise Foundry Company, and con- solidated operations at the Enterprise site. Today, the historic Fawcett Foundry is no longer standing. Enterprise Foundry, Sackville, May 30, ...
And “a lovely moonlight evening” was spent “onboard the brig 'Herman,' now laying outside of our vessel, so we can step from one to the other, Capt. Hichborn has his wife with him.” Friends continued to arrive, and on 10 March, ...
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The first Methodist church in Sackville stood a little north of Philip Palmer's farm. ... “(2) _Q_. Who is steward for Sackville? _A_. John Fawcett. Elected. “(3) _Q_. Who is steward for Dorchester? _A_. John Weldon. Elected. “(4) _Q_.