... 1903 , Denver ( as Icy Night ) ; 1903 , Rochester ( as Icy Night ) ; 1904 , Bradford ( no . ... 106 ( ill . , An Icy Night ) ; Charles H. Caffin , “ Photography as a Fine Art . II . Alfred Stieglitz and His Work , ” Everybody's ...
Gemälde in deutschen Museen: Künstler und ihre Werke (Bd. 1-4)
Guía del Museo de Escultura al Aire Libre de La Castellana
After accepting a position as art curator for an irascible ninety-two year old millionaire living in a remote area of New Hampshire, Kate Gordon soon becomes involved in an international smuggling ring and her employer's murder.
The 11 collections featured in Volume One contain works with significant royal and political connections and span a wide range of periods and styles from Rubens magnificent Banqueting House ceiling to contemporary works by David Hockney and ...
Romà Ribera i Josep Masriera havien proposat l'adquisició d'un quadre que representava el pont de Triana , el preu del qual era de set mil pessetes en el catàleg d'exposició , o un quadre que representava una andana d'estació de ...
Manuel des musées d'art. Volume II
11 As it happens , the Whitney , more than any other American museum , illustrates the apotheosis of modernism and its subsequent acceptance by society . The Whitney Museum grew out of the informal exhibitions that Gertrude Vanderbilt ...