Dr. Carol Jessop , Assistant Professor of Medicine at The University of California , treated 900 of her CFIDS patients with a strong anti - yeast drug known as ketoconazole , and a sugar free diet . Results were impressive .
Take Charge of Your Body: Women's Health Advisor
This book makes an important contribution to the growing field of Energy Medicine, by looking at charge as the interface between mind and body, and the missing ingredient in Mind-Body healing.
Unhealthy habits take their toll on trying to maintain an ideal body. Don't give up on having the physical body you want. Take charge to make it into the ideal you have set for yourself. Is your body one of health, vitality, ...
Celebrating 10 years of helping hundreds of thousands of women achieve pregnancy, avoid pregnancy naturally, and gain better control of their health and lives, the 10th Anniversary Edition of the classic bestseller will include: •New ...
The result is immediate and satisfying improvements to total health, both physically and mentally! "Thriving with Diabetes has the answers you need.
The Business Casual Yogi makes the practice and philosophy of yoga accessible to the modern professional.
With more than twelve years' experience treating its sufferers and seeing the nation's health-care system come up short, Dr. Peter Abaci developed innovative treatments that have helped thousands better their lives in dramatic ...
No matter what your history or challenge, you can succeed. There's always hope. Perhaps you've been trying to take charge for a long time but find yourself confused, lost, stuck, or not quite well. Or perhaps you've only recently become ...
Your thyroid is one of the glands in your body's endocrine system. The thyroid has just one job, but it's of immense importance: it secretes a chemical, or hormone, directly into your bloodstream that regulates the energy level, growth, ...
Take Charge of Your Health