Unhealthy habits take their toll on trying to maintain an ideal body. Don't give up on having the physical body you want. Take charge to make it into the ideal you have set for yourself. Is your body one of health, vitality, ...
This new edition for the twentieth anniversary of the groundbreaking national bestseller provides all the information you need to monitor your menstrual cycle—along with updated information on the latest reproductive technologies Are you ...
No matter what your history or challenge, you can succeed. There's always hope. Perhaps you've been trying to take charge for a long time but find yourself confused, lost, stuck, or not quite well. Or perhaps you've only recently become ...
Your thyroid is one of the glands in your body's endocrine system. The thyroid has just one job, but it's of immense importance: it secretes a chemical, or hormone, directly into your bloodstream that regulates the energy level, growth, ...
You can simply imagine a machine in charge of a particular gland or process and then imagine manipulating the controls of that machine to release the optimum balance of a hormone or to make a desired change of some sort in your body.
After ovulation, the body starts producing progesterone – a hormone that causes your wombs‟ lining thicken even further in preparation for a potentially fertilized egg. At this stage, while the body is producing both estrogen and ...
Control Your Pain!: 169 Painless Strategies for Taking Charge of Your Body
Take Charge of Your Health
I believe, first and foremost, the wisdom is to own or take charge of your own health, personally. Your body's health is a personal matter. If you do not take charge of it on your own, no one else will. Not even your doctor!
In this book, Dr. Richard Furman shows you how to understand what your cholesterol numbers mean, how best to change levels of both the "lethal" LDL cholesterol and the "hero" HDL cholesterol, and how to adjust your lifestyle in order to ...