Post qualitative inquiry: The next generation. In Qualitative inquiry in neoliberal times (pp. 37–47). Routledge. Taylor, C. A., & Gannon, S. (2018). Doing time and motion diffractively: Academic life everywhere and all the time.
Note: This is the loose-leaf version of Creating Meaning Through Literature and the Arts and does not include access to the Enhanced Pearson eText. To order the Enhanced Pearson eText...
Book Features: Provides research-based project ideas and curriculum models for arts integration.Shows how Project Zero’s flexible structures and frameworks can be used to develop creative inquiry and an arts integration curriculum ...
Bring the arts back into the classroom with arts-based activities and strategies to use in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies instruction.
As such, progressive historical education takes on a social justice character, seeking to empower both teachers and students as agents of change (Ayers, Kumashiro, Meiners, Quinn, & Stovall, 2010). FUndAmentALS oF hIStory And poIntS oF ...
... making connections more likely. Students' curiosities are piqued when they encounter unexpected pairings or groupings of art ... forms of curriculum. The arts are especially fruitful in this regard, since teachers and students can put works ...
Referring specifically to myths and legends, Donna Rosenberg comments that they: were created for the purpose of conveying cultural values, attitudes, and pride, and they are tied to specific locations in time and space through the ...
... making connections across artistic accounts of prison experience is a form of work uniquely suitable for scholars and their audiences. Syrian Prisoners In order to sketch out the contours of this prison poetics, it is necessary to ...
She directed the Center for Integrated Arts Education, bringing teachers, artists, and educational leaders together to explore topics of transdisciplinary learning and contemporary art practice. She was the recipient of two National ...
Making the connection between writing and visual art can activate what William Burroughs called "The Third Mind"--from the confluence of the two art forms, something new, or other, emerges. This...