Provides addresses and phone numbers for judges and clerks of court in each state and Canadian province
Want's Federal-State Court Directory
Want's Federal-State Court Directory
This book includes names/address/phone number of all Federal Court Judges and Clerks of Court, Bankruptcy Judges and Probation Officers, Attorney Generals and Secretaries of State, and more.
Want's Federal-State Court Directory, 1991
Federal-State Court Directory
In this volume, black-letter Rules of Professional Conduct are followed by numbered Comments that explain each Rule's purpose and provide suggestions for its practical application.
To capture the development of the clerk's office as an institution, the discussion is organized chronologically, though there are several themes that guide the narrative.
PACER Electronic Bulletin Bd . ( 888 ) 297-9938 ( 609 ) 989-0590 U.S. Attorney : Robert J. Cleary 700 Federal Building 970 Broad St. ... Rm . 2060 P.O. Box 887 Camden , NJ 08101-0887 ( 856 ) 757-5446 John J. Hughes 6000 Fisher Fed .
Want's Federal-State Court Directory, 1998
Chapter 2 gives suggestions on finding a lawyer. Do not rely entirely on this Handbook. This Handbook provides a summary of civil lawsuit procedures, but it may not cover all procedures that may apply in your case.