"Assessment with the WAIS-IV is designed as both a teaching text and a reference source for students and professionals. The text provides an in-depth analysis of a major instrument useful for the cognitive assessment of older adolescents and adults."--Preface.
Cohen, B. H. (1996). Explaining psychological statistics. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks & Cole. Cohen, J. (1952). A factor-analytically based rationale for the Wechsler-Bellevue. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 16, 272–277.
Written by the creators of the new test, this book serves as the ultimate insider's guide to the new test, providing users with the kind of access to norms and data that would be unavailable to any subsequent book on clinical use of this ...
This book provides users of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV) with information on applying the WAIS-IV, including additional indexes and information regarding use in special populations for advanced clinical use and ...
San Antonio, TX: Pearson. Wechsler,D.(2002a). WAISIII/WMSIII technicalmanual, updated.San Antonio, TX:Psychological Corporation. Wechsler, D. (2002b). Wechsler Memory Scale–Third Edition, Abbreviated. San Antonio,TX: Psychological ...
Complete coverage of administration, scoring, interpretation, and reporting. Expert advice on avoiding common pitfall.s. Conveniently formatted for rapid reference. Quickly acquire the knowledge and skills you need...
This detailed guide to using this immensely popular measure of intelligence is a must-have for anyone involved in the psychological testing of children.
The comprehensive reference for informative WISC-V assessment Essentials of WISC-V Assessmentprovides step-by-step guidance for administering, scoring, and interpreting the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V). Packed with ...
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale: WAIS-IV ; Technical and Interpretive Manual
Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence WASI: Manual