#7 The Riso-Hudson QUEST and TAS are two sets of questionnaires that will help you narrow down the possibilities for your type in less than five minutes with about 70 percent accuracy. If you are new to the Enneagram, take theQUEST and ...
Are you a two, five, or nine? And what's it like to know a path to self-mastery and fulfillment? This book runs the numbers, explaining how and why the nine Enneatypes are increasingly used to improve professional and personal outcomes.
The first definitive guide to using the wisdom of the enneagram for spiritual and psychological growth The ancient symbol of the Enneagram has become one of today's most popular...
My first venture into corporate work was as part of a team presenting a diversity programme for staff of a local ... The members of the Short group enjoyed the discomfort of their Tall colleagues and were amused at the turnabout.
This is the Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI) Version 2.5 in booklet form.
Amazon暢銷10餘年,逾400位讀者力推 「九型人格學說」始祖經典,「心理學」與「靈性成長」的驚人融合! 兩大權威Don Richard & Russ Hudson攜手著作,當今最受歡迎的自我認識系統 ...
Offers profiles of nine personality types, tells how to avoid misidentifications, and offers advice on becoming aware of one's own personality type.
Releases and Affirmations for Healing Your Personality Type Don Richard Riso. Your local bookstore can provide you with copies of all of Don Richard Riso's books: Personality Types (1987), Understanding the Enneagram (1990), ...
This is an essential resource for instructors who want to bring a thorough and complex analysis of sex and gender studies to their classrooms.
Discovering Your Personality Type is the book readers need in order to begin to see the possibilities made available by understanding personality types. More Than 1 Million Riso-Hudson Enneagram Books Sold