This book is the monograph of the eastern diamondback rattlesnake by D. Bruce Means. Its publication is a culmination of over 40 years of long-term, in-depth study of the world's largest rattlesnake, Crotalus adamanteus. In the preface Means writes, "The limited biological knowledge available for this species is all the more amazing when one considers the economic impact of Crotalus adamanteus. Because of its large size and highly toxic venom, it is arguably the most dangerous venomous snake in the United States and Canada, accounting for more human mortality than any other species (Klauber 1972; Parrish 1980). Its ecological importance may be even more significant, however. The eastern diamondback is a major predator of the cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus), a significant crop pest that is probably the most abundant rodent in the southeastern United States (Lowery 1974). Moreover, the eastern diamondback, which weighs up to about thirteen pounds (5.9 kilograms), is the largest cold-blooded terrestrial vertebrate living in the temperate zones of the earth (Means 1985)."
Diamondback Rattlers: Americas Most Venomous Snakes! is part of Bearports Fangs! series.