"Three years in the making, Recipes for Disaster is the long-awaited follow-up to the CrimethInc. collective’s notorious first book, Days of War, Nights of Love. This 400-page manual complements the romance and idealism of that earlier work with practical information and instruction. Over thirty collectives collaborated in testing, composing, and editing the book’s 62 sections, which range from Affinity Groups, Coalition Building, and Mental Health to Sabotage, Squatting, and Wheatpasting. These are illustrated with extensive technical diagrams and first-hand accounts, and prefaced with a thorough discussion of the diverse roles direct action can play in social transformation. If you’re looking for a tactical handbook for revolutionary action, look no further." -- Publisher's website
The cult classic of 1960s radicalism offers instructions on various methods of resistance to government authority, including the making of explosives.
... reading The Bomb , solicited his friendship . From 1914 on he edited Pearson's Magazine and supported EG's antiwar work . To JAMES H. BARRY Santa Barbara , Calif . , 412 MAKING SPEECH FREE · 1909.
“ Scenes of Violence , ” in Michael C. Braswell , Reid H. Montgomery Jr. , and Lucien X. Lombardo ( eds . ) , Prison Violence in America ( 2nd ed . ) . Cincinnati : Anderson Publishing . Flood , Merrill M. ( 1952a ) .
Ad-lib Reading Guide to Anarchism
"The world is not what it seems.
"The world is not what it seems.
Reading Nozick: Essays on Anarchy, State, and Utopia
Los anarquistas rusos
Voces anarquistas: historia oral del anarquismo en Estados Unidos
Gott und der Staat: (1871)