I have a friend named Gary . By our standards , Gary is somewhat of an unusual fellow . Certainly , based on appearance , Gary would not fit in most churches in America . He is about six - and - a - half feet tall , and when he spikes ...
Scripture reveals that the great business of life is to glorify God by enjoying Him forever. In this paradigm-shattering work, John Piper reveals that the debate between duty and delight doesn't truly exist: Delightisour duty.
When Paul came to Corinth he found a culture emerging from the ashes of Roman power.
It's as if he were saying: “If God can use the root, he can use the branches in his own sanctuary. For according to the law, if the roots are holy, the branches and fruit are holy.” If someone were to understand these things about ...
1 But it was the Jews and not the Gentiles who were carried away together with Peter; why then does Paul impute what was not ... and if, having forsaken the Law for Christ's sake, we are not justified but condemned for such abandonment, ...
selves with our own sins and look upon them not in Christ but in our- selves. ... Also, if Christ is made guilty of all the sins that we have committed, then we are delivered from all sins, but not by ourselves, nor by our own works or ...
A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church: St. Chrysostom
And while they are shy of embracing with the Apostle that glorious state of abnegation for Christ's sake, they will not ... and by the contributions of the Gentiles, of whose collection the holy Apostle speaks in writing to the Romans, ...