This volume explores the history and modern perspective on neurology and neuroscience.
This book looks at literature, medicine, and the brain sciences both historically and in the light of the newest scholarly discoveries and insights
Aboderin I, Venables G: Stroke management in Europe. Pan European consensus meeting on stroke management. J Intern Med 1996; 240:173-180. Kalra L, Evans A, Perez I, et al: Alternative strategies for stroke care: a prospective randomised ...
Introduction: the self under siege. In Leckman JF, Cohen DJ, editors: Tourette's syndrome: tics, obessions, compulsionsādevelopmental psychopathology and clinical care, New York: John Wiley and Sons. Cohen DJ, Young JG, Nathanson JA, ...
... selzures II li ht slee slee s indles Slow pulse and non-REM g p p p breathing; EMG HI deep sleep slow wave sleep aetiVitY; . l . increased vagal sleepwalking, night IV deep sleep slow wave sleep activity terrors' enures's III.
More specifically, the impact on the artistic life of this pianist illustrates various postamputation ... Wittgenstein played piano works that were written especially for him (the most famous being Ravel's Concerto for the Left Hand) ...
Quality of authors: This volume is written by a unique group of real world experts representing a variety of fields, ranging from history of science and medicine to neurology and musicology
This volume on the neurosciences, neurology, and literature vividly shows how science and the humanities can come together --- and have come together in the past.
The book concludes with the description of diagnostic and therapeutic transcranial ultrasound and clinical applications of transcranial Doppler monitoring as well as the presentation of future developments.
The second edition of The Neurology of Consciousness is a comprehensive update of this ground-breaking work on human consciousness, the first book in this area to summarize the neuroanatomical and functional underpinnings of consciousness ...