Super Teacher's Six Success Steps: Winning Teaching Methods with Active Brain Based Learning and Teaching

Super Teacher's Six Success Steps: Winning Teaching Methods with Active Brain Based Learning and Teaching
Jason Stanley, Jason Stanley Ph D


A Complete Teaching and Management System Just imagine how it would feel if you could cut your busy time in half and double the effectiveness of your teaching time. This book is gives you the clear step-by-step teaching methodology process of exactly how to implement a fully integrated active brain based learning and teaching system that brings stellar teaching success. This series gives you all the tools you need so your students become wholly engaged, learn fully and deeply, and have great behavior because they want to be in your class. Teaching is hard isn't it? First you spend hours preparing for class. With your hard work complete and ready to teach, you realize you have to also be a disciplinarian, motivator, and counselor! Of course you didn't start teaching to become a disciplinarian, you did it to help kids learn and make the world a better place - right? You have probably looked at lots of teaching methods, teaching techniques and classroom management systems such as learning modalities, multiple intelligences and flipped classroom only to find that they just added many extra hours onto your already busy schedule with little or no real results except you being even more exhausted. So what are your options? Of course you can just keep on "battling on" doing what you do now. You can research and do trial and error to find a better way. Or you can learn from the dedicated efforts of a complete school faculty and staff team that has already been there. Sound good? Let me give you a little of what you will learn You will learn how to: - Optimize your student's understanding and learning. - Optimize your student's retention: Short term, working memory, long term memory. - Involve your students with engaged, active, and joyful learning. - Have the class that all the students in the school fight to get into! - Reduce your workload and stress so much you will love teaching every day! We were faced with a dismally failing school. Out of desperation the best teaching methods, classroom management techniques, ideas and education theory were sifted and distilled to build a successful teaching model for personal development and classroom success. There were no rock star teachers or over the top techies; just a dedicated team that needed something that would work for everyone in every classroom from physics to literature from 1st grade to 12th grade. We found a better way and now want to give it to you. What we did and how you can do it is inside.