The CEO Handbook is a pocket guide containing the author's direct answers to their most frequently asked questions. It offers step-by-step advice and includes anecdotes from my personal experiences to help you avoid some of the same mistakes made by others.
The Life and Times of an American Business Icon Richard S. Tedlow ... Thomas R. Navin and Marion V. Sears , “ The Rise of a Market for Industrial Securities , 1887-1902 " Business History Review , 29 , 2 ( June 1955 ) . 13.
"Secret identity.
Will Scarlet's baby favour lead to a reunion - and the family they've always wanted?
One day , Barry mentioned to me that Paul Newman was selling his home off Coldwater Canyon . “ He wants to get rid of it quickly , " Barry said , “ and you really ought to take a look . ” It was a fantastic place , if a bit grand .
Après les « Trente Glorieuses », symbole de l’apogée des cadres, « Trente Financières » avec leur cortège de bouleversements managériaux : renforcement des procédures de contrôle, développement des organigrammes plats, ...
This Element is an excerpt from Managing Leadership Transition for Nonprofits: Passing the Torch to Sustain Organizational Excellence (9780137047659) by Barry Dym, Susan Egmont and Laura Watkins.
This Element is an excerpt from Managing Leadership Transition for Nonprofits: Passing the Torch to Sustain Organizational Excellence (9780137047659) by Barry Dym, Susan Egmont and Laura Watkins.
For nonprofits, leadership transitions are a time of high risk. This book explains why transitions are so challenging, and shows how to replace chaos and crisis with proven, sustainable planning.
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