What started out as a question about suicide grew into a quest. Where had the Italian relatives gone? The answer required investigation, genealogy and luck. It turned up abandonment, passion, and an immigrant's assimilation into American culture.
"Three friends.
Three women scorned, one wealthy, vengeful bigamist--and killer bad news no one saw coming. In Shelly Ellis' shocking follow-up to The Three Mrs.
Secrets and Lies: Tales of the Chai Makhani Trio
Sheep were sounding off from beyond Bryan Beck farm and as if in response ducks were quacking with undue volume from Bryan Beck itself, which gushed along the west side of the village out of Zed's view. “Afternoon.
Holt Paperbacks Henry Holt and Company, LLC Publishers since 1866 175 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10010 www.henryholt.com Henry Holt ® and ® are registered trademarks of Henry Holt and Company, LLC. Copyright ...
She was one of the few media members aside from Oprah Winfrey to be granted extended one-on-one access to the most famous pariah in sports. At the center of Cycle of Lies is Armstrong himself, revealed through face-to-face interviews.
Unfortunately for Gabrielle, that meant as of now she was on her own. carlos turned to the trio. “okay, everyone downstairs.” He waited until they vacated the room to speak to Gabrielle. She jumped up first. “What's down there?
Thompson. The title Existence is Elsewhen paraphrases the last sentence of André Breton's 1924 Manifesto of Surrealism, perfectly summing up the intent behind this anthology of stories from a wonderful collection of authors.
Conscious of a trio of silent crows watching him from atop the shot tower, Sebastian picked his way across the uneven ground. The day was becoming increasingly overcast, with a brisk wind out of the northeast that swayed the high weeds ...
The girl's face went whiter as she denied it, and Ellie realized how parents know when their kids are lying. “Right,” Ellie said, feeling like someone's mom. She took out her phone and, before the girl could protest, snapped a photo of ...