In 1877, after the defeat of Custer at Little Bighorn, the U.S. Government removed the Northern Cheyenne from their traditional homelands to a reservation in Indian Territory(Oklahoma.) This is the story surrounding the breakout of the Northern Cheyenne from Darlington Reservation in 1878 and their bloody but futile attempt to return to their homeland in Montana.
Leiker and ramon Powers, The Northern Cheyenne Exodus in History and Memory (norman: University of oklahoma Press, 2011), particularly chaps. 4 and 5; and Alan Boye, Holding Stone Hands: On the Trail of the Cheyenne Exodus (Lincoln: ...
“ Captain Powell has already been assigned that duty , Captain Fetterman . I see no reason to alter that assignment . ' " Respectfully sir , but I do , " Fetterman persisted . " I have seniority to Captain Powell .
Christensen, Sagwitch, 4–5. 7. Unruh, Plains Across, 185. 8. Madsen, Shoshoni Frontier, 17; Christensen, Sagwitch, 3–4. 9. Quoted in Christensen, Sagwitch, 16. 10. Christensen, Sagwitch, 19, 22. 11. Unruh, Plains Across, 187. 12.
Deeds of Valor. 2 vols. Detroit: Perrien-Keydel, 1907. “Billy Jackson's Capture by the Cheyennes.” Forest and Stream 49 (August 7, 1897): 102–3. Bourke, John G. The Diaries of John Gregory Bourke, Volume 3, June 1, 1878-June 22, 1880.
Dull Knife and Clyde were still strapped into their chairs, but neither was moving. Archie tried to wake them. He hated to do it, but they were the only ones who could drive the steam man. Clyde roused, still dazed, but Dull Knife ...
In Dull Knife's Wake: the True Story of the Northern Cheyenne Exodus of 1878. Horse Creek Publishers, 2003. McMurtry, Larry. Crazy Horse: A Life. Penguin Books, 1999. Paul, R. Eli. The Nebraska Indian Wars Reader, 1865-1877.
“We saw him sitting on the porch outside the wake and he had cut his hair and slashed his body in the traditional sign of mourning,” Guy Jr. said. “There were deep cuts all over his arms and legs and he was sitting in a pool of blood.
Also by Iames N. Leiker Racial Borders: Black Soldiers along the Rio Grande (College Station, Texas, 2002) Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Leiker, Iames N., 1962— The Northern Cheyenne exodus in history and memory ...
In Dull Knife's Wake: The True Story of the Northern Cheyenne Exodus of 1878. Norman, Okla.: Horse Creek, 2003. Marquis, Thomas. The Cheyennes of Montana. Algonac, Mich.: Reference Publications, 1978. ———. Wooden Leg: A Warrior Who ...
According to recent books like Bound to Have Blood (Reilly 2011) and Shooting Arrows and Slinging Mud (Mueller 2013), whatever their errors in respect to details, the press represents an invaluable resource to gauge the opinions and ...