38 If we build and comment upon a series of three or four related high - level graphics such as those used lavishly in Fortune or Business Week magazines , we provide added value to our customers.39 In the real world , as Von Frisch ...
When she cooperates with police, the assassin targets her. Investigation shows the killer has ties far up the political ladder, and the head count mounts as every witness in a federal case has already been eliminated.
Get a grip on the basics drawing exercises show you how to work with lines, curves, shapes, light, shadows, and blending Off to a head start draw the components of the head, facial features, muscle structure, and hairstyles Build the body ...
This book frames and demonstrates the best of modern morphometric methods, bridging the gap between biostatistics and organismal biology.
... count-runs function that's more general than count-heads-pairs: src/examples/functional.clj (defn count-runs "Count runs of length n where pred is true in coll." [n pred coll] (count-if #(every? pred %) (partition n 1 coll))) count-runs ...
A supplemental text for intro or intermediate stats courses, this book reviews basic stat concepts as well as the basics of the S-Plus program.
... heads is q = 1 − p. We construct a Markov chain whose state X(t) represents the number of successive heads in the ... count restarts at zero. The coin toss experiment stops as soon as N heads in a row have been obtained, with N > 1. a ...
Praise for the First Edition "This is a well-written and impressively presented introduction to probability and statistics.
This handy book contains introductory explanations of the major topics in probability and statistics, including hypothesis testing and regression, while also delving into more advanced topics such as the analysis of sample surveys, analysis ...
In patented Visual QuickStart Guide fashion, the book doesn't just tell you how to use Python to develop applications, it shows you, breaking Python into easy-to-digest, step-by-step tasks and providing example code.
*also: plain/clear sailing smooth someone's ruffled feathers: calm someone; make them feel less angry/upset ~ I spent the morning trying to smooth his ruffled feathers. smooth talker: someone who uses flattery/charm to convince someone ...