An old adage in our society admonishes us to "leave well enough alone." That is good advice where live ammunition and angry rattlesnakes are concerned. It is terrible advice where human behavior is concerned. Parents and Teachers should have dozens of positive interactions, and few negative interactions every day with children in their care. It's easy. It takes some time, effort, and practice but how wonderful things become! Think kids never hear a thing you say? Well, just try praise and be involved. How quickly children's hearing improves! Eight Skills Every Teacher (and Parent) Should Have: Skill #1 - The ability to teach expectations. Skill #2 - The ability to get and keep students on task. Skill #3 - The ability to maintain a high rate of positive teacher-to-student behavior. Skill #4 - The ability to respond non-coercively to inappropriate consequential behavior. Skill #5 - The ability to maintain a high rate of risk-free student response opportunities. Skill #6 - The ability to serve problem-behavior students in the classroom. Skill #7 - The ability to avoid being "trapped." Skill #8 - The ability to manage behavior "scientifically." Management, Not "Discipline": return the true meaning of the word "discipline" which is to teach, not to punish. We can improve the lives of students and teachers.