Logistics for running a trip; geology and natural history; native and historical information; regarding the Tatshenshini and Alsek Rivers.
... Complete Guide to the Tatshenshini River, describe how E. J. Glave, an early pioneer in this area, descended the Tatshenshini and Alsek in 1890. At that time, the Walker Glacier extended right into the Alsek River. It formed an ice wall on ...
... Tatshenshini and Alsek rivers by all the interconnected parks and protected areas makes for a watershed that contains some of ... a complete list of birds and mammals you could see on your Tat/Alsek trip, see The Complete Guide to the ...
The Ultimate Guide to Whitewater Rafting and River Camping introduces new rafters to the skills, equipment, and knowledge required to mount a multiday whitewater rafting trip.
C a rm e l R d Sue Dr B o b s L a n d i n g R d H a r d i n B o t t o m R d M id d le to n L n Culps Bend Rd White Oak Cr. Rd L e g o S c h o o l R d N e w E ra R d Phillips Rd Bluff Rd Kellys Landing R d C e d a r C r.
... Tatshenshini River Wild . Vancouver : Rain Coast Books . Clark , Henry . n.d. ' Buck Choquette , Stampeder . ' Ms ... Guide to the Tatshenshini River . Haines , Alaska : Cloudburst Productions . McClellan, Catharine. 1975. My Old People ...
“ Dolphins ! ” Cedric shouts in joy . The pod of bottlenoses is large , twenty or more , and we instantly take up chase , paddling after them . The dolphins streak back and forth before our bows , leaping into the air , teasing us ...
A Complete Guide, 4th Edition Glenn Woodsworth, David Woodsworth. Tatshenshini River The old Geothermal Resources of British Columbia map shows a warm spring at about 59.5 ° N , 137.7 ° W , on the north side of the Tatshenshini River ...
Provides the history of the Tatshenshini River in British Columbia
277 NEPAL Jungle safari in Royal Chitwan National Park................................................. 316 Rafting the Karnali River . ... Hiking the Appalachian Trail ............................ 68 Hiking the Continental Divide Trail ...
This book gives a comprehensive overview of the river including the topography, physiography and geology, weather and climate, human history, plant life, wildlife, and recreation opportunities.