... ( East Harlem ) , New York City Schools Miracle in East Harlem Fleigel , Seymour & James McGuire ( 1993 ) METHODOLOGY Longitudinal Study historical account supplemented with achievement data . Sample Size : East Harlem District - 13,350 ...
Lake Oswego Elementary School OAT Scores Statewide Average 1995 : Reading Math Third Grade 203 201 Fifth Grade 216 214 Statewide Average 1997 : Reading Math Third Grade 209 204 Fifth Grade 218 217 Bryant Enrollment : 335 1995 Third ...
The atmosphere is wholesome , and discipline is administered with kindness and understanding . " DE YOUNG . 730 Camina Esquela , San Jose 95129. ( 408 ) 725-1555 . Lorin De Young , Director . Est . 1975. Proprietary . K - gr .
... Birmingham 130 medical and social reasons 9 , Bernstein , B. 183 149–51 ; personal circumstances 9 ; Black children : see ethnicity proximity and distance 9 , 106 , Blackpool 63 Routledgefalmer Taylor & Francis Group 11 New Fetter ...
Choice at 11: Secondary Schools' Admissions Policies in Inner London
Parents' Experiences of the Process of Choosing a Secondary School
The chapters in this volume collectively exemplify the directions in which research on school choice is developing and push the field toward a more systematic and nuanced understanding of the impact of school choice.
Do they affect teachers' working conditions? Do they drive innovation? The contents of this book offer reason to believe that choice policies can further some educational goals. But they also suggest many reasons for caution.
"The book is, in part, the product of the May 2004 Cato Institute conference, 'Looking Worldwide : What America Can Learn from School Choice in Other Countries'"--Introduction.