The Otesha Book: from junk to funk is a key resource for anyone interested in creating positive change-- educators, parents, students, and concerned citizens alike! This creative and informative read represents the collaboration of a dozen authors and provides a behind-the-scenes look at how our daily actions change the world. Packed with cool graphics, engaging issue backgrounders and inspiring stories, From Junk to Funk covers six main topics: water, clothing, media, food, transportation, and fair trade. Each topic is explored in depth, encouraging readers towards empowerment and action.
文明的代價: 追求繁榮,效率,正義,永續,沒有白吃午餐
More than twenty "green" science fair projects.
The author argues that the educational value of imagination lies in the flexibility, energy and vividness of mind that enables us to transcend the actual, enter a world of possibilities, and understand the world more fully from different ...
Bob Dylan sings 'A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall'. Edwards illustrates each line of the song in this book, he travels to over 150 countries to photograph our headlong collision with nature.
Several states including California and North Dakota have attempted to legalize the cultivation of industrial hemp ; so far ... it's made from post - consumer materials , primarily plastic soda bottles , instead of the usual petroleum .
G. Crough , Aboriginal People in the Economy of Northern Australia , Northern Territory University Press , Darwin 1983 ... Trigger , Whitefella Comin ' : Aboriginal Responses to Colonialism in Northern Australia , Cambridge University ...
The reported research work done in the framework of this project, mentioned above, show that it is not common to find uniform dimensions of timber elements. From the inspections done, it was observed the typical details, ...
2002. The Best Democracy Money Can Buy : The Truth About Corporate Cons , Globalization , and High - Finance Fraudsters . Middlesex , England : Penguin Books ; William D. Hartung . 2003. How Much Are You Making on the War , Daddy ?
Simple Life describes a rich outdoor life using simple means, a life experiment exploring values and relationships between people and nature, as well as among people.
A questionnaire was randomly distributed to members of the United States Air Force at Wright Patterson AFB, OH, with 307 returned.