A beautiful church hymnal . . . and youâll find some great old favorites, as well as some lesser-known delights.
Thirty Christmas Hymns: Their Origin and Meaning
The Hymns of Martin Luther: Set to Their Original Melodies, with an English Version
In its determination to preserve the century of revolution, Gale initiated a revolution of its own: digitization of epic proportions to preserve these invaluable works in the largest archive of its kind.
This sequel to the best-selling Our God Reigns, tells the stories behind favorite praise and worship songs like "Ancient of Days"; "I Stand in Awe"; "Change My Heart, O God"; and "Awesome God."
As noted earlier , there was no specific event that prompted the composition of this hymn , but in his personal papers Palmer cites a time of illness and discouragement preceding the night when he sat alone in his study and penned the ...
Hymns of Michael Forster: A Resource for Worship Leaders, Composers and Editors
201 texts for hymns.
The Hymns of W. Vernon Higham
Joy Unspeakable: A Further Collection of English and Welsh Hymns
“ The soul that on Jesus still leans for repose , I will not , I will not desert to His foes ; That soul , though all hell should endeavor to shake , I'll never , no , never , no never forsake ! ” - Rippon's Selections , 1787 Zion ...