"The DFT can be understood as a numerical approximation to the Fourier transform. However, the DFT has its own exact Fourier theory, and that is the focus of this book. The DFT is normally encountered as the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)--a high-speed algorithm for computing the DFT. The FFT is used extensively in a wide range of digital signal processing applications, including spectrum analysis, high-speed convolution (linear filtering), filter banks, signal detection and estimation, system identification, audio compression (such as MPEG-II AAC), spectral modeling sound synthesis, and many others. In this book, certain topics in digital audio signal processing are introduced as example applications of the DFT"--Back cover
Designed for the undergraduate course on Signals & Systems, this text covers Continuous-time and Discrete-time Signals & Systems in detail.
This book is derived from lecture notes for a course on Fourier analysis for engineering and science students at the advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate level.
... Multiple Hilbert Transforms Associated with Polynomials, 2015 R. Bruggeman, J. Lewis, and D. Zagier, Period Functions for Maass Wave Forms and Cohomology, 2015 Chih-Yun Chuang, Ting-Fang Lee, Fu-Tsun Wei, and Jing Yu, Brandt Matrices ...
Signals, Systems, and Transforms