The story of the birth of air power and of General William "Billy" Mitchell, staunch advocate of air power and of a separate Air Service outside of the Army; bombing tests off the Outer Banks of North Carolina in 1923; controversy over air power and Mitchell's trial.
Then two new factors entered the picture and altered Camm's design philosophy yet again , the Rolls - Royce P.V.12 and a ... The engine supplied by Rolls - Royce was the 11th of the development series and was to the Merlin C build which ...
"This book commemorates the 37th annual GOE [Gathering of Eagles] program by providing a published collection of oral history interviews from selected Eagles.
LELAND KENDALL PEARSON (PETE), 1 st Lt., S/N A02078 1 1 3 was born on May 17, 1925 at Picayune, MS. A high school student before the war volunteering at graduation on June 28. 1943. Went to Miami Beach, FL for basic training on August 6 ...
Beretter om den amerikanske organisation, "Valiant Air Command" (VAC), der har til formål at restaurere museumsfly og holde dem flyvende. Mange farvefotos af de restaurerede fly.
Kenneth L. Porter 5 victories Dowagiac Kenneth Lee Porter was born on the 6th of December, 1896 in Dowagiac, Michigan. As a young man, He attended the University of Michigan, where he received a degree in engineering before enlisting in ...
18 Gene D. Hendrickson, Colonel, US Marine Corps, "A Vision of the Marine Corps," Marine Corps Gazette 74 (February 1990): 14. Colonel Hendrickson was assigned to the Marine Corps Research, Development, and Acquisition Command at the ...
Dr. Mark D Mandeles. Notes 1. Arthur L. Stinchcombe. Constructing Social Theories (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 1968), 47-53. 2. Discussion of levels of analysis is a rich subject in philosophy of science and methodology.
A modern aircraft is a jigsaw of software-controlled sub-systems designed to excel in air combat.
At Simon & Schuster , Allen Peacock provided the best editorial guidance I have ever known . Alice Mayhew took responsibility for the manuscript at a critical juncture , doing the solid job for which she is widely respected .
Military aircraft from the biplanes and aerial dogfights to the missile-armed supersonic jets of today are described and illustrated; also includes true stories of pilots and combats.