You Can Make a Web Site.
You can easily create a professional-looking website with nothing more than an ordinary computer and some raw ambition.
The reader will also learn how to integrate social media and a blog, so they are set up and in control of their virtual presence from every aspect. This is the perfect book for anyone who doesn't want to pay for an expensive web designer.
WordPress is much more than a blogging platform. As this practical guide clearly demonstrates, you can use WordPress to build web apps of any type—not mere content sites, but full-blown apps for specific tasks.
A quality Web presence is essential in today's marketplace, and many individuals charged with creating one are unaware of the challenges This guide gives novice Web designers the tools and know-how to plan, design, and build effective Web ...
With the first two editions coming highly recommended by established, leading web designers and developers, the third edition with all its extra goodies will continue that trend.
Stop Blaming, Start Loving: A Solution-Oriented Approach to Improving Your Relationship. New York, NY: W. W. Norton. O'Neill, M. B. (2000). Executive coaching with backbone and heart: A systems approach to engaging leaders with their ...
How To Build a Website with HTML
Using AJAX you can make web documents behave much less like documents and much more like completely self-contained desktop applications. With a web-based application, updates are much easier to propagate because everyone upgrades ...
This is by far the funnest book that I have ever written and the most useful programming language utilization that I have ever experienced. It makes surfing the web so much fun.
In The Life You Can Save, Peter Singer uses ethical arguments, illuminating examples, and case studies of charitable giving to show that our current response to world poverty is not only insufficient but morally indefensible.