The manual is designed to complement and reinforce the experiences of course participants, comprehensively covering the normal and surgical anatomy of the temporal bone and all aspects of basic and advanced otologic and neurootologic ...
Temporal Bone Dissection Guide elucidates the key concepts of otologic surgery in a user-friendly manner that is refreshingly accessible to beginning surgeons.
Temporal Bone Dissection Guide -- FIVE STARS from Doody's Star Ratingsā¢ The second edition of this indispensable guide provides a step-by-step approach to learning the anatomy and principal procedures of temporal bone dissection starting ...
This book is a comprehensive guide to temporal bone dissection, designed to help postgraduate trainees and ENT surgeons improve their surgical skills.
Dr Barbara has produced a highly useful Manual of Temporal Bone Dissection to guide exploration of the temporal bone.
The precise text and the splendid illustrations are also an expression of the authors' special talent in conveying essential.
Beginning with an introduction to surface anatomy and instruments used in temporal bone surgery, this concise guide describes common operations with emphasis on procedures, anatomy and surgical objectives.
Described as a dream come true by the authors, Professor Sanna and his colleagues have devoted a major effort to creating this book to serve as a guide for young trainees wanting to learn more about temporal bone dissection.
The Fourth Edition also achieves a better balance between developmental and adult anatomy and provides more thorough coverage of anatomy related to neurotology and base of skull surgery.
This book takes the reader step-by-step through routine temporal bone surgeries while maximizing the use of the cadaver tissue.