Loud & Clear in an Election Year: Amplifying the Voices of Community Advocates

Loud & Clear in an Election Year: Amplifying the Voices of Community Advocates
Political Science / Political Process / Political Advocacy
Spin Project
Kim Haddow, Holly Minch, Laura Saponara


Election years pose a unique opportunity and challenge to nonprofit organizations and community groups as they struggle to advance their issues in a crowded news environment, and amplify the voices of their constituents -- without jeopardizing their tax-exempt status. This year, the SPIN Project -- a San Francisco-based team of grassroots media strategy experts -- has lent their know-how to clarifying election rules and presenting clear-cut tactics for non-profit organizations who want to communicate powerful, legal messages to their constituents and the public at large. "At a time when the country is split 50-50, elections hinge on the issues," says Carl Pope, Executive Director of the Sierra Club. "Loud and Clear is an excellent resource for community groups who want to be heard and make a difference in the pivotal 2004 debate about our nation's direction and future." Loud and Clear in an Election Year presents concise, practical strategies for communicating powerful messages that stay within the legal limits. Loud and Clear includes checklists of permissible election-year activities, details frames and messages for progressive issues, explains the ins and outs of media events, candidate forums, and bird-dogging, and offers experienced advice on reaching core voting constituencies such as Latinos, African-Americans, youth, gays and lesbians.

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