Reveals how pets fit into the afterlife, offering comfort for bereaved pet owners while sharing uplifting tales about pets who continue their relationship with their human companions after death.
Have you ever lost a beloved pet and wondered. "Did they go to heaven, or did they just die and that's it?" This book finally answers the age old question once and for all. Do animals have spirits?
Here's the best book we've ever seen on dealing with grief due to pet loss, plus a chapter on how to find a lost pet.
The writers of Do Our Pets Go to Heaven? have poured much of ourselves into this volume. It is an investment of love we want to share with you, who we know also love your furry family members with all your hearts.
Do Dogs Go to Heaven?: Eternal Answers for Animal Lovers
Inside this book you will get a glimpse of what heaven will be like and you will see that God loves and cares for his animals and there is indeed a place for them in heaven.
Franciscan friar and popular writer Father Jack Wintz brings a love for all creation and infectious enthusiasm to the serious task of exploring answers to these long-asked questions, In Will I See My Dog in Heaven?
Investigative author Lee Strobel offers a lively and compelling study into one of the most provocative topics of our day.
This is a book about real people with real bodies enjoying close relationships with God and each other, eating, drinking, working, playing, traveling, worshiping, and discovering on a New Earth. Earth as God created it.
If you struggle to figure out how to grapple with the loss of your pet, the scenes in this story will prove to be very creative and unique words of encouragement.