The Lewis & Clark Trail: American Landscapes

The Lewis & Clark Trail: American Landscapes
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Quiet Light Publishing
Richard Mack


Renowned landscape photographer Richard Mack has brought the vistas and majesty of the Lewis & Clark Trail to life in a magnificent set of 248 color photographs taken at the same time of year as the original expedition. Richard spent two years visiting key locations along the Lewis & Clark Expedition - by plane, auto and on foot - capturing a set of images of specific locations at the same time of year as was originally experienced. The results are an extraordinary set of images capturing the incredible diversity of the American landscape in different seasons. The expedition of the Corps of Discovery is regarded as one of the epic stories in American history. The trail stretches across the American landscape - starting in St. Louis and following the Missouri River through the woodlands of the Midwest and out onto the Great Plains before crossing Montana, entering the Bitterroot Mountains in Idaho and gliding down the Clearwater, Snake and Columbia Rivers to the Pacific Ocean. The pioneering exploits of the Lewis & Clark Expedition - also known as the Corps of Discovery - has been thoroughly chronicled in thousands of pages of narrative by historians as well as in the journals of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. These words have helped capture in riveting and descriptive detail the sense of discovery, and, in particular, the wonder of viewing untouched landscapes and various species of animals for the first time. Unfortunately, the only "pictures" from this expedition were those painted by the words and drawings of Lewis & Clark - until now. For those interested in the Lewis & Clark Expedition, specifically, and American history in general, this book is an invaluable supplement to the narrative works in their collections. For those who simply are awestruck by the splendor of nature, or the power of photography, this is a once-in-a-lifetime collection of images that should be a part of anyone's library.

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