Looking after Australian invertebrates in captivity.
Stunning colour photographs and line-art are used extensively throughout the book to display and describe animals and their anatomy, as well as to depict construction of housing and environment.
Antenna (plural: antennae): Feelerlike, segmented, flexible sense organ found in pairs on the head of an insect above its mouthparts or ... This popular sitesponsored by the Arizona State University holds an Ugly Bug Contestevery year.
A little book that seeks to get you all over your own fear of Little, Cute and Cuddly Bugs? The Bugs pictured in this book are all ever so Cute and Cuddly Bugs.
Discover the difference between bugs and insects and explore what makes some of them weird and wonderful. Includes a glossary, photographs, and other resources. This title supports Common Core ELA standards.
There are ten quintillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000) insects alive at any one time!
All Tommy Dailey wants is an unforgettable summer with his bug friends.
A decodable reading book is a book that only contains letter sounds that a child has already learnt. Texts are strictly controlled to only include words made up of letter sounds that have been previously taught.
Get up close and discover the ten quintillion kinds of insects that are alive at one time!
Meet the world's most incredible insects in this beautifully illustrated book with press-out die-cut pages which reveal a parade of creepy-crawlies.
Understanding Algorithms and Data Structures